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Density Calculator
Need to calculate the density in cubic feet and pounds per cubic foot (P.C.F.) on your shipment? Please enter the dimension of each article (in inches only, round to nearest quarter inch, example: 5 ¼ inches would be entered 5.25) and the weight of each article in the boxes below.

In calculating the minimum density of shipments exceeding 650 cubic feet, use the following instructions to calculate properly.

A vertical dimension of eight (8) feet shall be used to determine the cube of the individual shipping unit (s) when top loading of other cargo is precluded because of:
a) The nature of the article;
b) The packaging or lack of packaging used;
c) Palletization in “pyramided”, “rounded off”, or “topped off” fashion, and/or
d) Specific instructions by the shipper in the form of a bill of lading notation.
e) If shipping units are over 52 inches high.
Height Length Width Density (cubic feet)    Weight P.C.F.
X X =   
X X =   
X X =